How Is John D Rockefeller A Captain Of Industry

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At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution John D Rockefeller was one of the Great Captains of Industry that brought the US and the world into a new air unlike any other before it’s time. Rockefeller along with the other men who were the leading force behind the industrial revolution gave us and became the American dream. These people brought hope back to America after the bloody Civil War, which ended in Lincoln’s assassination who everyone was looking towards to restore America. However, what ended up happing is that Rockefeller and the tycoons took America from a small time experimental country. Turning it into the powerhouse that it is today that stands for freedom not just for people but also in its commerce and economy. Especially …show more content…

During that time he set standards for what it means to be a billionaire. Like how Rockefeller took the principle of waste wants not and applied it to a byproduct of kerosene and finding a use for it, and now gasoline is a global commodity that everyone needs uses and sales. Rockefeller also used his money that he made for good and became not just a great businessman but also a great humanitarian and started the trend of millionaires and billionaires to do the same. Finally at the end of Rockefeller's career as times were changing so to was how business was being conducted no longer are the days of monopolies because of the trust busting court case against Rockefeller. All in all, Rockefeller has been a man who helped shape and builds America after the civil war. He helped Bring a new era to the United States that started the beginning of us being a powerhouse both in the industry and in government that makes a difference in the world today. It’s all because during this time Rockefeller and the man who built America proved that the Founding Father's ideas could and does work that a government for the people by the people can be stable and