How Is Lady Macbeth Corrupt

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Lady Macbeth is the most corrupt character in Shakespeare's Macbeth due to three main reasons. Firstly, Lady Macbeth uses a lot of manipulation and deception throughout the play. This can be seen in the quote “Only look up clear. \ To alter favor ever is to fear. \ Leave all the rest to me.” (I.v.63-65) Lady Macbeth is explaining how to deceive to her husband. She doesn’t hesitate, unlike Macbeth, who has a frightening dream with just the thought of murder. Secondly, Lady Macbeth is overly confident and nonobservant. She says “We fail? \ But Screw your courage to the sticking-place, \ And we’ll not fail.” (I.vii.59-61) She wants Macbeth to stop worrying, stop thinking of the possibility of failure because that is the very thing that will

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