
How Is Language Used In Animal Farm

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Language may be the most influential subject upon someone's life today. Sure there is media, T.V., newspaper, and social media, but behind all of these is language. Language is used to sell, to convince, and to control. The controlling aspect of language is what I will focus on in this essay. The book our class just read, Animal Farm by George Orwell, has many elements of language, controlling, uplifting, and many more. The book talks about how some animals, the more cunning of the group, can use language and propaganda to control and use the lesser subjects. It is a perfect example of how language is used to control, in positive and negative aspects. The pigs in this case use their advanced understanding of language to control all the other animals. The pigs use language in the form of …show more content…

Squealer represents Vyacheslav Molotov, who was Stalin’s protege. Squealer works under the rule of Napoleon, who kicked out Snowball (Leon Trotsky) to take control of the farm. Squealer is very persuasive, and is able to convince the other animals that if they don’t cooperate, their former leader, Mr. Jones (Tsar Nicholas II,) will return and take control again. Thus, squealer uses fear to control the ignorant animals. One example of Squealer’s control over the animals is in chapter three when squealer says, “Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back! Surely, comrades, surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?" Squealer uses the fear of jones returning to force the animals to give up precious and hard earned milk and apple. The milk and apples are given to the pigs and dogs and no one else. The pigs then use their constant manipulation to form a quasi trust between the animals and the pigs. This results in Boxer, the strong hardworking horse adopting the motto, “Napoleon is always

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