
How Is Miss Strangeworth Presented In The Possibility Of Evil

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People can be described though many things, including their characteristics. Miss Adela Strangeworth, in “The Possibility of Evil” can be described through her characteristics which are physical description, personality, family, relationships, lifestyle and activities.
Miss Adela Strangeworth can be described through her characteristics of physical description and personality. One area that describes Miss Adela is her physical description. She is a 71 year old woman with blue eyes that walks dainty wherever she goes. She also dresses in her proverbial hats and has a pretty little dimple by her lip. Besides her physical description, Miss Strangeworth’s personality can also describe her. She hates sloppiness and has to have everything neat and …show more content…

Family can describe a lot about Miss Strangeworth. The Strangeworth family has had a big impact on the town and Adela. Miss Strangeworth’s grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, while her grandmother and mother planted and tended roses for generations. This generational growth and love of roses spread to Adela and has influenced her life. Another way Miss Strangeworth can be described is through her relationships. Miss Strangeworth knows everyone in the town, but only thinks of them as acquaintances not friends. She also always has to stop every minute to say good morning to someone. The town starts by admiring and being proud of Miss Strangeworth and her roses, but once they find out about her letters it is inferred that all of her relationships are gone in the town hates her. This is because they probably because they will find out that Miss Strangeworth was writing all of the other letters (besides the one that was dropped). The town apparently already did something horrible to her rose garden, and they will most likely do more horrible things to Miss Strangeworth and her …show more content…

Miss Strangeworth lifestyle tells a lot about her character. Miss Strangeworth has never spent more than a day outside of the town and all of her life. Miss Strangeworth has a weekly routine. Every Tuesday she buys a quarter pound of tea, but not before socializing with anyone she walks by. Every day, she then writes some letters to the townspeople and takes her afternoon nap. She then ends her day by discreetly mailing her letters and going to bed. Besides her lifestyle, Adela’s activities can describe her. She often writes letters to the townspeople, letting them know about problems. Some of these problems include idiot children, petty theft, and possibilities of death. She also attends to her rose garden that's been cared for by generations of Strangeworths. She starts by writing letters almost daily, but it is possible that she stops writing the letters because the townspeople find out she has been writing the letters. It is very possible that Adela keeps writing the letters, but because the townspeople now know who has been behind the letters, she won’t be writing the letters without

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