
How Is Odysseus Transformation Of A Hero

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Unit 1 Essay

"A hero is not a movie character. A Hero is an ordinary person who finds the strength and courage to persevere and keep moving in spite of all the obstacles, then change because of them"-Anurag Prakash Ray. The author changes and reveals the obstacle to foster hero growth throughout a story. Revealing Loki as the obstacle in the movie Thor, directed by Kenneth Branagh, made the hero overcome pride, grow emotionally stable, and reclaim his dominance. Fate and time were similarly revealed by the authors of Around the world in 80 day's Jules Verne, and The Odssey's Holmer.These hardships exemplify the arcatype, the obstacle, which helps personify its true purpose. Futhermore, this helped transform the hero by establishing self-control, emotion, and the true meaning of …show more content…

A perfect example is when Odysseus had to hear the siren song out of pure curiosity, he put the whole crew and voyage in danger. As well when Odysseus confronts Polyphemus, this is not because it had to be part of their journey, Odysseus just had to know for his own good. He is standing in his own way of getting home, which is his ultimate desire, so his obstacle would have to change from pride to whatever was keeping him from the homecoming. Idefinatiny, pride was consuming him, yet Odysseus was able to be shown a path by realizing that he can't control and make every decision for his future."Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds, many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open sea, the recklessness of their own ways destroyed them all". This is shown when he doesn't need nature "the gods" and concequently, set back 10 years in his voyage because of his arrogance.The way that homer uses nature, fate and time to make Odysseus learn these values of control is seamless throughout The

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