How Is The Catholic Church Responsible For The Limitations Of Personal Wealth?

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Majority of the people in the world lack the ability to relate to a wealthy lifestyle, most are middle class, poor, and extremely poor, and the Catholic Church teaching about limitation of personal wealth is very hypocritical. As the most, wealthy Church in the world, these limitations should be followed by the Catholic Church, so people can follow the example. According to Ecclesiastes 5:10, “He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver,” and will never be content in these vain passions (KJV). Pope Paul VI, being “responsible for significant contributions to the development of Catholic social teaching,” during the “1967 social encyclical Populorum progression,” extended a plan for the Church to teach social equality per current standards (McMahon 165,166). So, Pope Paul VI made some assessments about dangerous social issues, ways to address the social issues, and the results of these issues if not addressed. The Church should teach about what the Bible says about wealth and sharing anything you have that is excess. …show more content…

Mainstream societies are controlled by corporations. People are nothing more than a resource, and customers are only a target, and the main values portrayed is over-consumerism. Will this work teaching work in today’s culture? People are selfish, and comfortable in their way of life to share extra supplies, and many American’s are known as hoarders, which means they enjoy excess, so the Catholic teaching will fail. Furthermore, in America people resent being told what to do, even by the Church, thus the American way means I put a fence up, and buy, use, and