Comparison Of Andrew Carnegie And Samuel Gomper In The Gospel Of Wealth

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Andrew Carnegie and Samuel Gomper have different takes when it comes to the role that wealthy people should have in society. The two authors have opposed feelings toward the poor people being in the state of condition that they are in. Although their views are different what they are proposing in both documents can help the poor people. Carnegie’s The Gospel of Wealth focus more on what the wealthy people should do with their wealth to benefit the society. Gompers’ Letter to Judge Peter Grosscup targets labor in industrial society and how the wealthy should be treating their employees.

“Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself (Carneie pg.18).” Carnegie believed that the wealthy people should be donating their money to society during their life time. Giving it to the poor would be a bad idea because the poor would spend it unwisely so who better than the millionaire to ensure their money goes to good deed. Gomper idea to help the poor is to increase the pay rate of employees for them to stop dying from anger and living in terrible conditions. People have died while working in terrible …show more content…

Meaning that whether you are poor or rich is that person fault and that if you want better in life do something about it. Carnegie is an example of some who started poor than made something of himself instead of staying in the same condition. In Gomper document he describes how these employees are dying of hunger and families are suffering. These employees brought these problems upon themselves based on Carnegie document. These employee has the same opportunity to be just like their employer but they are not strong enough to make it