Industrial Statesmen Dbq Analysis

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A well-known writer, Mark Twain, used the term “Gilded Age” to symbolize the corruption of the American society despite its glittering surface of wealth following the American Civil War. Many industrial leaders following the war were criticized as “Robber Barons” -- the idea of becoming rich through unethical business practices -- or “industrial statesmen” for their economic influence in America. Their tactics of becoming wealthy and prosperous were often criticized as dictating the rich and the poor and destroying competitions, but the philanthropic contributions of these “industrial statesmen” toward the American economy and society are tremendous in creating America as a domination of power. According to many people, these “industrial …show more content…

The purpose of Vanderbilt's comment is that everyone thinks about themselves and their purpose first and if people in the lower class put themselves in his shoes they would do the same (Document A).This perspective ties with President Polk’s determination for Manifest Destiny where he sent troops to the border of the Rio Grande with the accusation of “American blood on American soil”, which led to the Mexican-American War. Wealth does not come randomly or magically but rather through determination and hard works (Document G). The division of the rich and the poor is highly beneficial because it brings out the best of individuals to promote Social Darwinism and pursue the “American dream” due to the motivation of wanting to be successful (Document C). The division of classes during the antebellum period before the Civil War is equivalent to the division during the “Gilded Age”; mountain slaves were pro-slavery because they did not want to be at the bottom of the ladder, they had to do everything they could to do so. These two perspectives had an effect on America culturally, Americans people were able to motivate themselves and pursue their “American …show more content…

The “laboratory” developed rapid and cheap innovations for many people in society from a “lady’s watch to a Locomotive” and a well-managed business like above creates economic growth (Document B). Some of the innovations were typewriters, mass productions by assembly lines, telephones, and light bulbs. These innovations and productions of products revolutionized the modern world. The innovation of products is similar to the time period of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812 where supplies and materials from Britain were cut off from entering America, which led to many innovations to meet the needs of the country. After the Civil War, these “industrial statesmen” did just that to reinforce America economically and socially after the divisiveness of the war. The great minds of the “industrial statesmen” not only influenced America to be an industrial domination but also influenced and benefited many universities and charities through their large sum of donations, the formation of Duke University, Yale University, University of Chicago, and Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research are only a few examples. It is undeniable that the “industrial statesmen” influenced America to be a domination in the industrial world. Even though they were criticized as separating