How Kyle Changed The Most In Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie

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Kyle was Scott's friend, who ended up being a stranger to Scott. Kyle wasn’t the same person Scott knew, the kid who stood up for his friends. It's the first time for Scott Hudson and his friends going into high school. No one really knows what to expect. Scott meets a lot of people on his journey of freshmen year. Throughout the year people have disappeared out of his life and have appeared in his life. People started to change around Scott, like looks and personalities. For example, Kyle changed the most in Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie because he started becoming a different person, than how Scott knew him. Also Kyle wasn’t as good as friends with Scott, the way they were before high school.
Kyle changed the most in Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie because he went from being Scott’s friend to a jerk. Kyle wasn’t always nice to Scott, but he did stand up for him a couple of times. Like when Kyle sprinted ahead and knocked the guy’s books out from under his arm. Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie stated that kyle said “Oops to you, too” (Lubar 20). Kyle started hangout with the wrestlers, which made him more of a jerk. Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie stated that Kyle told Scott why he doesn’t sit at the lunch table …show more content…

They believed this because Scott went from not have anyone knowing who he was to people knowing him from the articles he wrote for the newspaper. Kids who played sports started to say hi to him in the halls. Girls even started to say hi to him too. However they were wrong because Scott didn’t change because he never changed himself as a person. He still acted like himself. Kyle on the other hand became a big jerk. Kyle started to become a jerk when he started hanging out with the wrestlers and Vernon. Kyle and Scott used to be friends and he let Vernon beat Scott up. Kyle changed the most in Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie because he became a jerk to Scott, when they used to be