
How Might It Contribute To Your Future Professional Activity As An Early Childhood Professional

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a. This helped me as an educator because as an early childhood educator I will be communicating with families all of the time. I’m more of a quiet and shy person when it comes to this type of communication so it helped get out of my shell a little bit and practice what it will be like to talk to parents in this type of capacity. We do home visits at the SDSU preschool and I was really nervous for those. After doing those home visits and this one, I can already see a difference in how I communicate with parents at my current employment. This has also helped me as a future parent because I was able to see how important it is to work with your child at home. Parents are a child’s first teacher and that was definitely seen in my home visit with the Kessler family.
6. What is the most important learning that you have achieved from this experience? How might it contribute to your future professional activity as an early childhood professional?
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Just how important family communication is in education. I was able to implement it myself not just read about it in a textbook of how to implement communication as an educator. Parents want to see their children achieve in school, they may be just as nervous to learn about their child’s success or struggles. I also learned, it doesn’t matter how much you may know a family, you will always learn something. This is important for many people I fell because in South Dakota it seems like everyone knows everyone or if you are in a small town you’re teaching your friends children. There is always so much to learn about families and their involvement with their children. As a future educator, this HOME visit is going to be very similar to conferences I could be having with children and their parents. I’m going to be communicating with parents in many different capacities from using technology to communicate to face to

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