
How Might You Make An Internal Or External Attribution For Bruno's Behavior

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Consistency information is the information that is obtained about the behavior between one actor and one stimulus across time and circumstances (Aronson, et al., 2016). Bruno’s behavior rates high in consistency. His behavior is the same regardless of the stimulus (person he sees). Bruno barks and snaps at both other neighbor’s and Seth. 4. Based on your answers above, would you make an internal or external attribution for Bruno’s behavior and why? Based upon my above answers I would say that Bruno’s behavior is internal and not external. Bruno has high consensus, high distinctiveness and high consistency with his behavior’s. These high ratings would suggest that that his behavior is internal (based upon his personality) versus external …show more content…

Based upon the fundamental attribution error I would assume that Lydia failed to obtain the promotion due to a lacking of her skills and qualifications for the position. 2. Using the Two-Step Process of Attribution, how might you adjust your original attribution about Lydia? Be sure to give a possible alternate explanation for this situation. The two-step process of attribution states that we make an internal attribution initially, but then we take a second step to review the situation/behavior factoring in the situation itself (Aronson, et al., 2016). When we use the two-step process of attribution we often change our initial internal attribution of the situation. Using the two-step process of attribution to the situation above, while an initial attribution would be to assume that Lydia did not have the qualification necessary for the position. After further review of the situation, it could be determined that Lydia was overlooked for the promotion due to the hiring manager having a personal grudge against her or Craig having more years of experience than

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