How Oskar Schindler Saved Over 1000 Jews

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Did you know that Oskar Schindler saved over 1000 Jews from deportation to Auschwitz, the death camp. It all started when he bought the company Rekford LTD. He then converted the factory into the German Enamelware Factory. Even though Schindler owned two other companies this was the only one of his factories that employed Jewish workers which he worked hard to keep it that way.
Oskar Schindler originally hired Jews because they worked for less money the only thing is that he had a change of heart about this matter. Oskar made saving as many Jews as he could as one of his goals. He was having a very hard time trying to keep the Jews from being taken by the Nazi party to go to Auschwitz. He probably wasn't very proud of what he did to save them.