How Ph Affects The Change In Biomass Of Lettuce Seed

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In this experiment we shall be looking at how pH effects the change in biomass of lettuce seeds after 8 days of germination. It will be interesting to see which seeds radicles begin to grow down and the plumules up and by what amount. To see how the behaviour of the enzymes involved in germination changes when placed in different pH buffer solutions will be fascinating and will help increase my knowledge of the matter. When the pH is low this means that there will be a high concentration of H+ ions present thus making the buffer solution more acidic and vice versa for solutions with high pH. It will be extremely interesting to find out the optimum pH of the enzymes which are present during germination (for example amylase which breaks down …show more content…

pH denatures enzymes as the conformation of the enzyme is repeatedly changed. Once the enzyme is denatured it does not carry out catalysis anymore thus meaning that germination may not take place and so therefore the (percentage) change in biomass may not even be detectable as it is so small or it is possible that there would be no change in (percentage) biomass (Allott, IB Biology Study Guide). This experiment is also very relevant to real life scenarios as farmers who grow crops (fruit and vegetables) need to know what pH to keep their soil at for maximum yield of crops. For example some crops enzymes such as Sweet Potatoes and Irish Potatoes have an optimum pH of 5-5.5 and so they grow best in soil which has these conditions as their enzymes work most efficiently at these levels, yet other crops like Wheat and Corn tend have an optimum pH of 5.5-6.5 meaning they're enzymes are more efficient at these pH levels

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