How The Lacwid Tribe Changed History

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One sunny Sunday the LacWid tribe were having a family day, like they do every Sunday. All the families were out playing games and having fun, but the animals were out with them. The animals had no place to go they traveled when the tribe did but they didn’t have a family. This day the LacWid tribe changed history. The leader of this tribe's name was Scott, Scott had two daughter, Lindsey and Nova. While all the other kids were playing with each other, playing tag, hide and seek, or even jump roping, Lindsey and Nova weren’t with these kids. Lindsey and Nova were playing with the animals. This was their favorite thing to do even though the other kids thought they were weird. The tribe owned cows, sheep, and pigs, but their favorite was the horses. The girls always played with these horses, but they were also used for transportation. One day a man named Rob came and began yelling at the girls say that those were his horses and that they needed to get off immediately. Of course the girls were very confused because they did this every Sunday and the animals belonged to everyone in the tribe. The man grew very angry realizing that the girls weren’t moving. The girls ran to their father, and the tribe’s leader. “Father, there is a very angry man that …show more content…

They knew they would need to have a plan. After long discussion they came up with two options: The first was they send Rob to a new tribe with one animal of his choice or the second option was they divide the animals up between each person in the tribe starting with Lindsey and Nova. When “The Old Man” arrived he decided that all the animals should be divided, Lindsey and Nova picked their favorite horses and the rest of the tribe divided up the rest of the animals evenly. In the end the girls each had a horse and Rob had his own horse, and this is how pets came to

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