How The Witches Influence Macbeth

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How much control the witches had over Macbeth. Macbeth a story of how a strong and brave warrior lost his way and went down a path of corruptness and murder. But he didnt go down this path on his own, he was led by three witches. Witches who told Macbeth of all the power and money that was in his future. Witches who assured Macbeth throughout the book that he’d be safe. Witches that had the power to stop Macbeth but decided to watch him go down in flames. I mean all through out the book these three things are very repeating, they almost make up the story just by themselves.

As we talk about control, we must start from the very beginning when Macbeth and Banquo are sailing home. Where the first encounter with the witches happen and they both hear their fate. It all starts with all three of the witches saying all hail to Macbeth, thane of Glamis and Cawdor (which he isnt yet but will be). And then the famous line of “ All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” Mac-1-2-52. After hearing this Macbeth cant get enough he wants more. He even “charges” them so they will explain it all but they vanish. Another big thing that will set Macbeth on a path of evil is hearing Banquo’s future. “ Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.” Mac 1-3-70. This is just basically telling Banquo that he will never be king but his sons will. Which this will have a huge role later in the story as Macbeth goes on a rampage. All in all however, it is very easy to see that after Macbeth

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