How To Be A Legal Immigrant

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United States immigrant; changing your Legal status

Being honest, it is not easy to obtain legality for a United States immigrant; you 'd have to demonstrate that you deserve to be in the country by presenting the citizenship. For fear of being returned to their countries of origin, many refrain from applying for status, which could create a series of legal problems in the future that complicate even more the situation. If right now you are doing the process of application for legalization of stay, there are steps you need to know to become a legal citizen of the United States.

Para start the process you 'll have to apply to the citizenship, immigration forms, certificate of citizenship or residence card to access and request the assistance of a lawyer (you could collect up to US$ 300 hour, so check to be someone honest and recommended). Get all the information about immigration, diligence forms and applications and creates a user account on the website of United States immigration, do not forget to give your personal information to gain access to information of immigration for free; If you don 't have user account, the fee is US$ 50 (find everything to get the gringo visa).

If you plan to become an American citizen, then …show more content…

Keep in mind that you must submit an immigration application and your recent passport photo. It facilitates your birth certificate and other documents showing that you are the one who actually say to be.It gives your fingerprints in the location that designate you the United States citizenship and immigration-service. Coordinating a meeting with a representative of immigration, you can go to your local office, answer the questions and presents the review of English and patriotism. If you manage to pass the test, the next step is to schedule a follow up interview with the representative of immigration. Once you get your certificate of citizenship, the citizenship and immigration service will have to prove that you 're already an American