How To Be Addicted In America Essay

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Over 23.5 million Americans are addicted and abuse drugs (“Drug Abuse Kills”). With drug abuse over 200,000 Americans are killed every year (“Drug Abuse Kills”). It’s one of the biggest problems that America deals with. Each year kids that are younger and younger start taking drugs and eventually becoming addicted to them. Many people start use drugs to help them self-medicate and help them get over things in life, but it makes it worse on them because they start using harder drugs because the weak drugs are working for them (“Understanding Drug Abuse and addiction”). A lot of people start self medicating causing them to start abusing drugs and become addicted to them(“Self Medicating and Substance Abuse”). Many people don’t understand how people become …show more content…

Many people say mental illness is a big reason for drug abuse, but that’s really not why they get addicted to drugs. If you take the medicine that your doctor prescribes for you health issue you should be fine, but many people start abusing those drugs making them addicted to them. That’s nobody’s fault beside the person taking the pills. With blaming yourself for your problems makes you more likely to start drinking and becoming an alcoholic(News Editor). A survey was given out to 34,653 U.S. adults about drug abuse (News Editor). 12 percent of those people with anxiety disorder later developed alcohol use disorder (News Editor). Blame is often automatic response for people and so they try to avoid the responsibility for their drug abuse.(“Stop Playing the Addiction Blame Game”). The people made the choice to start drinking and start doing drugs(“Stop Playing the Addiction Blame Game”). People that self medicate with drugs like to blame their problems on their mental health. With self medicating that increase the risk of suicide because you don’t want to take the blame for your problem(“Stop Playing the Addiction Blame