
How To Change Your Eating Habits Essay

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The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. To eat healthier food, you may need to change some of your daily habits. You also may need to change some things in your environment. Your environment includes everything around you, like your home or the place you work.
You don 't need to make huge changes to eat healthier. And you don 't have to change your habits all at the same time. It 's best to set small goals and change your habits a little bit at a time. Over time, small changes can make a significant difference in your health.

How can you change your eating habits?
To eat a healthy diet, you may need to make some changes. Remember that you can change your eating …show more content…

Now that you have all the information you need on eating healthy, the most important action step you can do is to maintain this lifestyle choice as much as possible. Post intents when you need motivation from others. Keep a diary of your food choices on your blog or journal. Talk to other people when you are feeling tempted to indulge in unhealthy desserts. Eating healthy, after all, is not about losing your ability to enjoy indulgences. It is a matter of gaining so many things that will affect you for the rest of your life: a longer life, the ability to enjoy natural foods, a wholesome sense of self-esteem and the joy of respecting your body for all that it does for you.
• Healthy eating helps protect against all forms of malnutrition, as well as noncommunicable diseases including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
• Poor diet and lack of exercise are the major health risks on a global scale.
• Healthy eating habits begin early in life: breastfeeding promotes healthy growth and improves cognitive development; It could also have long-term benefits, such as reducing the risk of overweight, obesity or noncommunicable diseases at a later stage

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