
How To Do Game Hunting Persuasive Essay

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Game hunting can be both exhilarating as well as dangerous. Wounded bear and even deer have been known to turn on their attacker. Being prepared and having the right equipment is essential for a successful days hunting.

Before going big game hunting many of the worlds best hunters endorse honing your shooting skills on small game. Only once you are sure of your aim would they advise stepping up.

This makes a lot of sense as a hit on small game is almost always going to result in a kill rather than have a wounded animal dying slowly from infection. Once you can hit that turkey at distance you know you will be capable of making that head shot when you are tracking bear or other big game.

Being a good shot, while important, is only a part of game hunting though. Understanding the animal you hunt is also a must have skill if the hunt is to be a successful one. You will need a good …show more content…

The skill to this type of game hunting is to remain undetected, having the patience to stand still for hours on end, being able to attract your prey to the area and having the determination to not give in until your prey turns up.

Another important factor of course, is your equipment. You must have the right weapon for the game you hunt otherwise you put yourself at risk from a wounded animal and the animal at risk of a slow death. If you are bow hunting make sure it has a draw weight packing a big enough punch to make the clean kill on your chosen target.

Their are many different makes, variations and models of hunting rifle available today and the choice you make will be entirely based on the prey you hunt. Famous brands like the Winchester and Remington as well as relatively unknown brands like the Sakko 75 hunting rifle and the Tikka T3. Weatherby and Ruger are also rifles which are used by some hunters. Whichever hunting rifle you use, just make sure it is suitable for the game you

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