How To Get The Yellow Fever In 1793

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Many people fought against the yellow fever in 1793 . It was in Philadelphia up till the 1800’s. It stopped when the first frost hit in the winter. Many things would happen when you got the yellow fever and they would change every year. It was horrible when it started in 1793 but, as the years went by it would start to die down. Some bugs carried the disease to as the years went on. The yellow fever has changed drastically through the years due to scientific researches and finding out more and more cures for the disease. They did not have a cure up until the 1830’s. In 1793 5,000 people died in the summer. When you get the yellow fever you're eyes will get yellow and bloodshot in one to two weeks. People also may get delirious soon before passing away. You're skin may turn yellow if you have the yellow fever. In about two weeks people will start to vomit blood or cough blood up. It has changed throughout the years and people have stopped getting delirious after the 1900’s because of how many cures were found for it. These are some of the problems people had when they got the yellow fever. I found some of this information out in the Historical Background section in the packet. …show more content…

Benjamin Rush and Dr. Deveze argued on how they should take care of the patients. Dr. Benjamin would Bath the people in hot vinegar applied by blankets. Dr. Rush Believed that drawing blood would help and cure the patients. He was wrong, drawing blood from the patients often killed them and more and more people died after getting blood drawn. Dr. Deveze helped many more patients and they would live from the yellow fever. He believed that patients should be cared for and well rested. That was the only cure they had for the disease in 1793. I found this information on a website called I also found information out in the packet at Document