Argumentative Essay About Helping Others

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Many say that helping others can make one happy and by giving others things such as time, money, and necessities, it is able to help them and allow both, the helper and the one being helped, gain some happiness. Many have also stated that they were happy to give, but to give is to sacrifice, whether what one gives is considered valuable makes no difference, then how much are people willing to sacrifice for the sake of helping others or being happy? Because there are easier ways, many things that may be given up, and the possibility of gaining almost nothing from helping, if one of main goals in someone’s life is to help others, then it will be difficult for them to be truly happy. It isn’t necessary to give a lot, because there are many other …show more content…

Well, in Source 6 there is a picture of a figure holding an umbrella out to another figure, there is little else, yet many situations can be reflected onto this picture. I feel that the figure is willing to give up their umbrella to allow another to not be soaked, and although this is honorable, it is also a sacrifice that could cause him to get sick, get soaked himself, and possibly lose his umbrella. Whether this situation would lead to negative outcomes, the figure may have just been happy to prevent someone else from getting soaked. Although, it could be okay to give aid if they do not mind using the resources and they really just want to help, but to only focus on helping others when they have the ability to accomplish other goals may lead to time where they regret not working towards something that they wanted to do. To only focus on helping others for anything other than just wanting to help, may cause failure to only harm and end with some negative effects on the helper or others. An example of this could be a soldier who fights to keep their country safe, even if they are able to come back home unharmed, what they did, saw, and experienced may haunt them or cause them to do things that they