How To Manage Federal Bureaucracies

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Federal bureaucracies are a large role in our government by managing thousands of federal programs. These bureaucracies hold a lot of power but still have to be held accountable. The President, Congress, the judicial system, and the federal bureaucracy itself hold federal agencies accountable. The President has the power to hold federal bureaucracies accountable through executive orders but does not personally have the knowledge or time to oversee bureaucracies on a day-to-day basis (Patterson, 2013). The President can use reorganization and presidential appointees to manage federal bureaucracies. One problem federal bureaucracies have experienced in the past decade is the lack of communication between agencies, that unfortunately have resulted in failures to prevent terrorist attacks (Patterson, 2013). The President uses reorganization by recognizing problems in the different federal bureaucracies and makes them work together. For example, now fifteen different intelligent agencies work together in sharing information directly to the director of national intelligence who coordinates their information and actions (Patterson, 2013). The President uses presidential appointments to help oversee …show more content…

If Congress believes a federal bureaucracy is not working appropriately they can call a hearing and take legislative action to correct the problem (Patterson, 2013). Congress decides how much money will go to each agency. If an agency does not have funding, it simply cannot exist regardless of the importance of that agency (Patterson, 2013). The judicial system also keeps federal bureaucracies accountable. If a federal agency has failed to follow the laws, the judicial court can file charges against that agency. The agency then must change its policy to ruling of the court decision (Patterson,