How To Reduce Carbon Taxes In Australia Essay

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Carbon taxes is a fee on the consumption of fossil fuels. This taxes are intended to help minimize the use of carbon dioxide by taxing the fossil fuels. Australians are the highest carbon polluters in the world mainly because it “does not have carbon price in place” (“How). A carbon tax will be perfect to reduce the pollution that Australia causes. Australia can have a limited amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere, but the United States is the one nation willing to put a tax on carbon. Although, the United Sates would be feeing carbon polluters it would have “very little effect on total global emissions” (Morgan). The carbon tax will only be for the citizens of the United States and not from those who are the main cause of the carbon emissions. The United Stated is trying to help reduce the carbon emissions, however, the United States has the largest fossil fuels reserves. Finally, the carbon taxes can have an effect on the environment, economic and the people. First, the more we use from the earth, the more damage we are making. Carbon taxes will help “ensure that companies or organizations that emit huge amounts of CO2, cut down if not eliminate their emissions”(Greengarageblogadmin). Some of the carbon energy we …show more content…

With carbon taxes, there will be limiting factories or any businesses that use carbon dioxide, “which will result in higher end for certain products (“How). Therefore, the people will be required to pay higher prices for gasoline, electricity and other goods and services. Each person and company is expected to pay the taxes in order to use them. Now for poor people, “this can spell bad news because they can’t afford the slightest increase in energy costs” (Greengarageblogadmin). Granted, some people can actually afford it, but those who cannot are going to suffer with the payments. Carbon taxes will make the prices for every individual