How To Write A Diet Analysis Essay

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In this assignment I was able to see what kind of average nutritious value I had in my diet. Just looking right off the bat, I saw that I was way over my total and saturated fat, which I wanted to keep low throughout this semester. I was however shocked to find that I was ‘OK’ in my sugars for how much I know I intake. I was also surprised to see that I wasn’t over on my protein average, since I know I eat a fair share of it. This assignment was a true wake-up call to me, to finally see what a horrible eater I am, and the amount of sodium I intake as well. The vitamins, minerals, or important nutrients that I saw missing from my body the most were; carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and a lot of minerals except sodium and selenium. I was low in all of my vitamins as well, besides vitamin C and niacin. Which shocked me the most, since I play tennis every day, that I wasn’t over on the Vitamin D limit. With the way I want my lifestyle diet to go is not this way at all. I want to have plenty of foods and activities that will raise my consumption of minerals and vitamins. …show more content…

I want my lifestyle of eating choices to be clean, but also purposeful. Not someone who eats no meat, or too excessive, but someone who balances every part of the food table correctly to their body and activities. Sure, we all know we can’t stay away from the sweets for long, so one or two sugary things in the diet won’t be bad. But to make it something like homemade watermelon sorbet, or a strawberry and banana smoothie are great sweets for me! I would also like to add into my diet, a more array of fruit and vegetable choices. It is sometimes difficult to find some good and healthy options in Gander, but if it is fresh and you have the money, it is most definitely worth every penny. As I am wanting to become more healthy and become more fit, I will make wiser choices about my food intake than this past