How To Write A Miguel Manchion Interview Summary

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Wednesday, September 1st, 2016 at approximately 12:58 p.m., I Detective L. Donegain conducted a noncustodial interview of Miguel Lonnell Manchion (black male, 6/2/1976 of 1207 Southwood Drive, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28304 (910) 364-1330). The interview was conducted at the Police Administration Building. The interview was audio and video recorded and is contained in the case file. The interview was transcribed by Speak Wright and is contained in the case file. The following is a summary of Miguel Manchion’s interview:
- Miguel Manchion stated Derrick Robinson aka D-Rock girlfriend Emily had a party at her place earlier in the evening.
- Miguel Manchion stated after the party he went to Derrick McClain’s apartment to hangout.
- Miguel Manchion stated while …show more content…

- Miguel Manchion stated when he left from Derrick McClain’s apartment Darrell Hinton was not there.
- Miguel Manchion stated Derrick McClain and Derrick Robinson showed up at his apartment later in the morning looking for him.
- Miguel Manchion stated he spoke to Derrick McClain briefly.
- Miguel Manchion stated after he went back into his apartment he started to hear gunshots.
- Miguel Manchion stated his female friend fled from his apartment through the rear door.
- Miguel Manchion stated shortly after the shoot being fired someone knocked on his door.
- Miguel Manchion stated when he opened his front door he noticed Darrell Hinton lying at his door.
- Miguel Manchion stated he pulled Darrell Hinton into the apartment.
- Miguel Manchion stated Darrell Hinton had asked him to get the gun from outside prior to the Police arriving.
- Miguel Manchion stated Darrell Hinton asked him to go get his wife.
- Miguel Manchion stated after Darrell Hinton’s wife arrived they called his mother who showed up in about 15 minutes.
- Miguel Manchion stated Darrell Hinton didn’t want him to get the Police who were out

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