How To Write A Reflective Essay On Clinical Rotation

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The first day of the clinical rotation stirred a mixed emotion within me. It was actually an eye-opener for me. I was feeling very excited but anxious at the same time before coming to the place. I was thinking things like "What are we going to do exactly?" "Will I able to perform well?" "What if something goes wrong?" When I started seeing the residents, I actually felt teary-eyed because of the situations there are in. Also, I felt that with their old age, they need all the care and compassion they deserve to receive. When I started to help out to accommodate their needs with the help of our CNA, I felt happy and proud to be able to help them with bathing, wardrobe changing, and feeding. Moreover, as we were on the units, my hands are down to those people who care for the residents in the facility. It does really take a special person or people to be able to do and perform their jobs with compassion and excellence and diligence. Seeing the staff interacting with residents, taking care of the residents as if they are their own loved ones, and treating …show more content…

I was able to see the big picture of the health care field. Furthermore, I was given the chance to learn and see the disease process happening to the residents. The CNA I got was very helpful and insightful and thoughtful. She was very creative as well with the residents who were confused. This first nursing clinical experience also made me think of what I kind of nurse I want to be in the future. Long-term care felt like the field not meant for me, but I am not totally closing the doors on it. I am very delighted to be given such opportunities to be a part of health care team even with just hours of interaction with the residents and staffs. I am looking forward on more opportunities, insights, and hand-on experience as I progress to this