How To Write An Essay On The Cold War

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The Cold War Anyone who lived during the 20th century would probably talk to you about the Cold War. The Cold War is one of the longest “conflicts” in U.S. History. Although it was a war liked by the people, the American Government should be praised for their actions during the Cold War. In February of 1945, after the allies remained victorious in the second World War, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union held a conference about what to do with Germany. At the Yalta Conference Joseph Stalin likely noticed the declining health of President Roosevelt, and as a result decided to take advantage of the situation. Stalin’s assumption was correct, because soon after the conference President Roosevelt died. Almost twenty years after the Yalta Conference the biggest standoff occured when Russian Boats sailed to Cuba and started setting up nuclear warheads pointing at the U.S. mainland. President Kennedy acted swiftly and ordered a blockade of Cuba. The blockade would be …show more content…

began engaging in war with the North Vietnam. While this might be one of the wars with the worst public support, the U.S. Military advisors and Politicians had to good reason to go into Vietnam, The Domino Theory. The Domino Theory states that if one Country falls to Communism, he surrounding countries will fall soon as well. This was the case for VIetnam, if it fell to Communism. While the United States wasn’t directly fighting the Soviet Union, we were fighting the Soviets ally, North Vietnam and China, a proxy war. When the public support for the war dwindled the United States government began spending more on rebuilding South Vietnam. This was a smart move by the government, because with support going down, they tried to show the people it is not just about taking land and killing, but that they are there to help the people. The United States provided aid to South VIetnam, by paying for MIlitary supplies, and for the civilians of the