How Were Disabled People Treated In The Early 20th-Century

429 Words2 Pages Grabber: Beaten, taken advantage of, embarrassed, made shameful. All the ways that the mentally disabled were treated in the early 20th-century. Blurb: The mentally disabled were treated as animals and experimental guinea pigs. They were forced to live in horrible conditions, no room, shown no love or care. They were separated from their families, and weren’t able to contact them in any way. Thesis Statement: The manner in which people with mental illnesses were treated in the early to mid 20th-century was inhumane and brutal, and is a dark stain on the history of mental illness health and treatment in America. …show more content…

All the ways that the disabled were treated and made felt in the early 20th-century. The disabled were treated as animals and experimental guinea pigs. They were forced to live in institutions where they were forced to live in horrible conditions, small living spaces, and shown no love or care. They were forced to constantly undergo experimental “treatments” and surgeries. They were separated from their families, and weren’t able to contact them in any way. The manner in which people with disabilities were treated in the early to mid 20th-century was inhumane and brutal, and is a dark stain on the history of disability treatment in America and is incomparable to the treatment that people with disabilities receive