Huckleberry Finn Book Analysis

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This preface is an exceptional hook for the book. Readers do not expect to be faced with threats the moment they start off a book with a friendly title such as “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” When you proceed to the explanatory, Twain introduces the importance of dialect to his novel. I think I lost the full the experience of Twain’s varying jargons because I listened to an audio book. Although Elijah Wood was a fantastic narrator with marvelous accents, when I look over the book to find a quote, I can see the actual differences in pronunciation. Together, these sections set up the book for light-hearted humor and satire as it is hard to take Twain’s charges seriously right at the beginning. Further into the book, Twain contradicts this section …show more content…

The gang is established on threats about killing families and signing in blood. All the boys took this seriously, but when Tommy threatens to tell, the boys only tease him and give him 5 cents instead of actually killing his family like they said they would. Tom is so strict on playing by the book, even though he can’t enforce the rule and doesn't understand many concepts, such as kidnapping. He is a character obsessed with adventure, but cannot identify when the books adventures are far-fetched. He constricts his ventures to the crazy ideals of romanticism in books.Without a doubt, Twain was making a direct call against the irrationality of books of his …show more content…

Jim has been kind to Huck from the beginning, and greatly respects him. Finn also likes Jim, but still thinks it is wrong not to give him back to Mrs.Watson. Jim has full confidence in Huck and even says he is the only white man to be nice to him. Huck doesn't feel right because his conscience told him this is a betrayal to Mrs.Watson. Eventually, Huck doesn't tell on Jim like he thought he would and realizes that his conscience wouldn't be happy either way, because he likes JIm and would miss his company. He recognizes Jim as a friend. Although Jim probably didn't notice any shift in the relationship, this moment changed everything for Huck’s