Huckleberry Finn Change Analysis

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How does Huck change? In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck's actions change throughout the book. Not following his conscience, alters Huck's actions. By not following his conscience, he alters his actions when he starts telling the truth, views the world differently, and helps Jim escape. This leads to his actions changing because of all his new experiences and maturing on the way. Huck did not follow his conscience and this causes him to start telling the truth. After Huck sees what the King and Duke have done to Mary Jane, her family, and all the others, Huck decides to tell Mary Jane the truth “These uncles of yourn ain't no uncles at all; they're a couple of frauds- regular deadbeats.” (Chapter 28) After she finds out, they make a plan to make sure her 'uncles' pay for tricking them. He decides to tell Mary Jane and let her spread the word about who they are and then get the Duke and King jailed and get rid of them. Huck's conscience “spoke” to him to not tell Mary Jane because it would be better if he kept it to himself. “I hadn't no objections, 'long as it would keep peace in the family” (chapter 19) Huck not following his …show more content…

After all his bad experiences with the Duke and King, he stills feels bad for them being tarred and feathered. “Humans beings can be awful cruel to one another.” (chapter 33) Yet through everything, he still cares about the Duke and King even though they caused so much trouble on the raft. Talking about it with Tom he figures that “a persons conscience ain't got no sense, and just goes for him anyway… it takes up more room than all the rest of a person's insides, and yet ain't no good, nohow. Tom Sawyer says the same.” (chapter 33) Huck doesn't find the point in a conscience, he thinks that the whole thing is pointless because he believes it leads you in the wrong direction. This helps him alter his thoughts and help Jim