How Does The N Word Affect Huck Finn

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The “n-word” and term “slavery” both have a negative connotation to them, in regards to the book, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, the excessive use of the n-word has negatively impacted the book. As viewed by many, the immoderate use of this word has caused an uproar in schools around the United States and various schools have already begun removing this book from its curriculum. Mark Twain used the n-word a total of 219 times which has lead to many speculating that if students read this book, it will promote the language used in the book, such as the “n-word”. Although many suggest that the “n-word” impacts the book in a negative way, some also state that this word helps set the foundation of how racism was in the 1800s. A new version …show more content…

Twain knows exactly how the reader will have ambivalence after reading the n-word numerous amounts of time. After Twain strips Jim of his humanity with the dehumanizing “n-word”, there are moments in which Twain was able to set off a sequence of events that would not have been possible if that word was not implemented, such as the instance in which Huck states “I know he was white on the inside” (Huckleberry Finn). This quote from Huck depicted the fact that he believed that Jim, although he is colored, he thought Jim was”white on the inside”. This statement from Huck might not have been as powerful if the use of the n-word was not implemented and used numerous times. The fact that Huck was able to see through the whitewashing of society towards his perspective on people of color and slaves in general, he was able to realize and see Jim as a equal. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is intended to be read by an audience of that does not see colored people as equals, sees slavery as a positive point in society. Twain was able to create a scenario in which a white person believed a colored person was actually white “on the inside” and prove it will logical evidence. As a result, the use of the n-word was able to thus create various instances and themes throughout the book that would not have been possible without the use of the …show more content…

When treated wrongly, he is called the n-word, an even more offensive calling than slave. With this in mind, one can assume that the negative consequences of changing the book and removing the n-word will not only cease the realization of various emotions that the reader is supposed to feel, but will also lead the overall message not being as impactful as Twain anticipated it when writing the book with the n-word. As stated by Larry Wilmore, “Slave is just a job description”. Slave is just a job description, being called a slave means that you are owned by someone and have to work for them, being called the n-word is a sign of disrespect not only towards you but to every colored person in the premise. David Bradley quoted a powerful statement made by Huck in the book which stated, when talking to Jim, “They’re after us”. Huck signified that they were not after just Jim but him as well. This few words were able to have such a impact on the story and on Huck’s character in the book. Huck throughout the book starts to see Jim not only as a friend, but as an equal. With the fact that Jim has been seen by everyone else and called by everyone else, the “n-word”, this piece not only reflects the amount of respect that Huck is starting to see with Jim, but is also establishing the fact that he sees himself as an equal to a “n-word”. This part of the book reveals a change in heart in Huck’s morals