Chapters 34-43 Chapters summary Starting with chapter 34, Tom has a plan to help Jim get out of jail. Huck is doubting Toms decision, since helping a slave could ruin his reputation. Later in Chapters 36-38, Tom and Huck try using the case-knives to help dig a tunnel under the cabin, but later realizing after a few hours that they need better tools. Tom coming up with a better plan, reassures Jim that the plans will change is something goes wrong. Huck and Tom start smuggling tools into the cabin, aunt Sally starts noticing that certain objects are missing, wanting to confuse her, Tom and Huck take and replace the sheets and spoons for she forgets how much she had in the first place. Finally tearing up one of the sheets, they smuggle it into Jim’s cabin, later continuing to find new …show more content…
In chapters 39-40, Huck returns to the house for some butter and finds that Plelps has gathered 15 men to battle the gang of cutthroats. Huck sneaks out and warns Tom that the men are here, and that they must leave immediately. Escaping from the hole heading to the river away from the shouts and gunshots. Making it there, they discover that Tom was shot in the calf, making Tom tell them to leave, but Jim won’t leave him until a doctor comes to look at Tom. In the final chapters, Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas were shocked by a mysterious letter making Tom and Huck go to bed straight away. Huck then finds 15 local farmers with guns in the front room of the house. Having to warn Jim and Tom, it only makes Tom even more anxious. The men suddenly attack the shed, making them escape through the hole in the wall. In the end, even though Huck loved writing, he does not plan to continue. Instead he plans on moving to the west, for the cause of his