Huckleberry Finn Individuality Analysis

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Conformity Over Individuality: Dreiser's Sister Carrie and Twain’s Huckleberry Finn
Human life boils down to personal comfortability. It is in our nature to surround ourselves with a sense of societal complacency in order to survive. Human nature is directly correlated to human instinct. All three of these statements directly affect human nature. It is engraved in our hereditary impulses to always strive for progression in order to conquer the obstacles of daily life. Throughout Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn, human instinct enforces itself upon the moral decisions of Huckleberry Finn. Although Huckleberry knew that Jim was a runaway slave, he still kept the secret to himself of Jim’s whereabouts.
In association to human nature, classicism …show more content…

As for human nature, it influences: the continuation of feuding families (when there is no reason behind the actions), group mentality (the assurance and feeling of safety provided by surrendering to the majority), and finally, the conscience of one who is affected by the pressures of society. Both Dreiser and Twain use classicism as well as human nature to provide a better understanding of what they are trying to convey; it being easier to conform rather than, having an opposing …show more content…

Throughout the novel Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain suggests, through the family feud of the Shepherdsons and the Grangerfords, that it is human instinct to abide by the actions of the people who provide comfort, without reasoning. This aspect is in relation to Sister Carrie. Dreiser also has the opinion of others following the action of the people who provide comfort and safety. One of the main themes in the novel Huckleberry Finn involves the conversation between Huckleberry and Buck in relation to ‘the