Huckleberry Finn's Journey

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The novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, details the journey of a young boy named Huck who meets a slave named Jim. The novel follows the story of these two characters as they travel by boat in an attempt to free Jim, the slave who has run away from his owners. The main focus of the novel is illuminated by Huck’s decisions as he is torn between two significant choices. On one hand, Huck has always been taught that black men were slaves, and that what Jim has done is illegal. On the other hand, Huck realizes that Jim is an upright person as well as his friend. Huck is faced with the decision of turning Jim in to the authorities or helping him escape his slavery. These choices clash with one another throughout the novel as …show more content…

As discussed earlier, both were in abusive situations that led to their escape, which is the reason that Huck didn’t immediately run to the police. But as the two traveled along the river, they found comfort in each others company and often relied on each other for safety. One such case is when Huck and Jim are on the river and men come up to their boat asking Huck if he had seen any runaway slaves. Huck quickly and decisively hides Jim where the men can’t see him and lies to them. Huck could have easily realized that he was breaking the law and given Jim to the men on the spot. However, at this moment Huck realizes that Jim is much more than a slave or property to him, Huck realizes Jim is his friend. This is a monumental step for Huck, and a sign towards growth in his character. Another example of Huck’s growth can be seen after Huck plays a prank on Jim. Jim is clearly upset, and Huck quickly understands that what he has done was wrong, even stating that Jim is his friend. Huck then apologizes to Jim, an action that during this time period would have been extremely rare, if not unheard of. This shows that Huck’s upbringing doesn’t define his character, and during his journey with Jim he had been able to enlighten himself and grow as a …show more content…

Huck is constantly seen in this battle of Man versus Self, in an internal battle between his upbringing of racism and slavery against his realization of humanity and friendship during the journey. Huck goes from seeing Jim as a piece of property, to seeing Jim as his best friend and he is willing to do anything to help him. Mark Twain clearly wanted Huck’s battle to stand as a symbol of the battle of racism in society, which can be seen throughout the novel. If a thirteen year old boy can come to the conclusion that racism is not proper, then society as a whole should be able to come to the same conclusion. Huck’s internal conflict will forever be a symbol of the conflict of society and racism. Few characters in literature are as timeless and meaningful as the character of Huckleberry Finn. Huck’s inner conflict is symbolic of the conflict of society as a whole, and has been for over a hundred years. Huck’s mind was being torn by two projects, but he was able to overcome this conflict and recognize right from wrong. Huck’s conflict illuminates the novel’s message, allowing readers to grasp their own meaning of right and