Climate Change Argument

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The Earth is an ideal place for creatures to thrive, with enough oxygen to sustain life, a protective atmosphere that guards its inhabitants from the harmful rays of the sun, and precious raw materials to help aid the advancement of civilization. However, it is possible that the Earth’s perfect climate may be in jeopardy. In the twenty-first century, climate change has become a more pressing issue due to its potential impact on human life. Air and sea pollution numbers have grown exponentially all across the globe. Ice caps have started to recede and drought has struck. The mass majority of scientists, including those at NASA and The Nature Conservancy contribute to the discussion with evidence to suggest the crux of this change in climate is due to human corruption of the environment. Nevertheless, climate change skeptics like Richard Lindzen still believe industrialization and an ever-growing world population have little to no effect on the world’s aridity, and contribute changes in weather to the Earth’s natural rotation and heating and cooling cycles. Though arguments are …show more content…

Skeptics of global warming can see from observations the evidence of fluctuations in temperature, sea levels, and drought levels. However, most believe none of the theories of environmentalists are “fully understood, and there is no evidence that CO2 emissions are the dominant factor” (Lindzen). Dissenters of proactivity testify that the evidence presented is simply not enough to say human life is in any sort of danger. Their reasoning behind slight inconsistencies in climate could be due to shifts in Earth’s orbital pattern, or even simply normal periods of warming and cooling of the earth. Lindzen uses the ice ages as a compelling example of these periods of temperature change, saying if humans can get through extreme periods of cold for years, we can deal with slight degree rises in the climate