Sexual Rights And Human Rights

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Human rights are the rights of human being that naturally they have since they were born and this right is legitimate and all the people have the same rights to live without having any discrimination. Human rights are universal because we can have it without seeing our nationality, race, religion, gender or any other status and it’s guaranteed by the law. In the past human rights is only concern for the protection of individual but nowadays the understanding of human rights is develop into the creation of condition in social, economy, politics and culture.

Sexual Rights embrace human rights that already recognized in national laws, international, and others. Sexual rights are the rights for every people to freely choose and express their …show more content…

Many scholars, NGO and UN people that made an agreement about sexual rights terms to help them to work together in protecting sexual rights.

Thus, in this paper I would like to elaborate about sexual rights which is the part of human rights, the organizations that cover in sexual rights, giving case like what countries that making the law about the LGBT and not, and what the government should do in terms of sexual rights.

Sexual rights are the rights for every people to freely choose and express their sexuality without any discrimination, coercion, and violence. It embraces human rights that already recognized in national laws, international, and others consensus statement. Sexual rights are surrounded in practices, identities, and relationship. Practice is included in the participate in sexual activity, have bodily and reproductive autonomy, enjoy the sexual pleasure, and self control. Identity is the rights in self expression and realization. Relationship is the rights to choose their sexual partner and enjoy civil rights that go along with …show more content…

In international organization there are Amnesty International, United Nations, The Yogyakarta Principles, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), TARSHI, International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), and so on. United Nations already making The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly that the declaration is about the rights of all human being that they are have the freedom, justice and peace. In UDHR is also including the sexual rights which they can have all the rights and the freedom to speak or express. Not only UDHR that as an organization support sexual rights, there also IPPF which under UDHR that supporting sexual rights. Besides that, amnesty international also working on LGBT human rights by giving information on their website and provide petition. Amnesty International considers that people in spite of their gender identity should be enjoying their human rights. Even though UDHR not clearly mention about sexual orientation, but evolving the concept from International human rights law to include the rights and protection of the LGBT people around the world is a