Foucault's Definition Of Sexuality In Society

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Sexuality is one of those feelings that you are born with. Different cultures and religions have their own definition of sexuality. It's not something that you choose, it's a natural physically, emotional, and sexual attraction to male, female, or even both. For centuries it is believe by some cultures that if you weren't heterosexual then you have a mental disease and considered abnormal. Foucault believed that power is persuasive, multi-faced, and is not already planned. It’s a cultural production that represents the appropriation of the human body and of its physiological capacities by an ideological discourse. Sex has no history but sexuality does. French Philosopher Michel Foucault thought that sexuality was, “a set of effects produced in bodies, behaviors, and social relations by a certain deployment.” Sexuality for a person can be narrowed down to what a person is attracted to, their desires, and pleasures. In the article, “Is There a History of Sexuality?” by David M. Halperin sexually defines itself as separate, sexual domain, within the larger field of human psychophysical nature. For some cultures it is considered natural and psychological but different people feel different ways about that unproven theory. Sexuality effects different people due to their cultures views on passion, libertinism, eroticism, love, affection, and desire. Athenians felt like that was when people were sexually attracted to the same …show more content…

Blackstone gender is defined as a constructed individual, interactional, and structural ways to create environmental constraints and opportunities that usually benefit men more than women. When most people think of gender they think of either a male or female. In some places it goes more into depth classifying it as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social class. Gender roles can be confused with sex. It’s actually based on values and characteristics that people have described of the opposite

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