Human Rights: Social, Cultural, Rights, And Social Rights

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All modern civic societies tend to organize and regulate their affairs in such manner as ensures that they work for common welfare on one hand and dignity of each individual on the other. The growth and development of humanity comprised in the society depends on the sincerity and commitment to this approach. Human rights are generally rooted in the cultural and political ethos of each free modern State in the present times. The prime reason is that the theory of natural law of existence mandates provision of, and access to, these inalienable and innate rights for optimum growth of the individual as a human to be useful to self and to the society & environment of which he is a part. During the struggle for independence, our freedom fighters raised voice against human rights violations and deprivation of basic civil, political and economic rights at the hands of the foreign rulers. When free India set about the task of preparing a Constitution for self governance, one area on which there was complete unanimity was the subject of fundamental rights. With history of strife emanating from social evils of casteism and communalism, and a large chunk of population engaged in struggle for existence amidst extreme poverty, deprivation, hunger, illiteracy, unemployment and all consequent miseries, it was clear that respect for human rights, not merely in theory, but in practice from the standpoint of good governance could be the only lasting solution

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