
Naturalistic And Non-Naturalistic Theory Essay

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been those belonging to the tradition of the Law of Nature. These show human rights depend directly on the natural order and are subject to a universal moral low, superior to positive law
Present day human rights notions show human rights do not rest on nature but represent human requests historically defined and morally and politically justifiable by means of a non-naturalistic theory. History shows human rights were a vindication of freedom against the established power and as social economical demands. A clear understanding of the relationship between human rights and morality is best uncovered through the two main types of human rights moral theories the naturalistic and non-naturalistic one.

Robert Nozick’s view of the inviolable freedom of individuals and of the absolute control of property in the self and its possessions and the natural rights which constitute the foundation of a libertarian and well-ordered society revived the natural rights theory Nozick’s writings anarchy, state and utopia in particular has opening sentence “individuals have rights which expresses their separate existence, according to the Kantian principal that individuals are …show more content…

His theory conceives human rights as rights of citizens rather than of human beings. The theory is construed for a body of people who form a political society rather than the human race forming a moral community . Reality however shows that human nature is not an immutable essence but a mixture of elements and values such as possibilities, interest, power and immunities, dignity, rationality and liberty. The conflict of theories can be solved by balancing prima facie rights which are not absolute but are dealt with case by case, the balancing is to be against each other not wishing merits in terms of some different ultimate standard of value such as

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