Human Services (NOHS) Ethical Standards

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The National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) Ethical Standards is intended to serve as a guide to the everyday professional conduct of the helper. The standards are extremely broad and subject to interpretation, by the helper. Therefore, the standards are not static; they are revised as new concerns occur during the client-helper relationship.
The client-helper relationship is the epitome of social work. And, the helper must take his/her responsibility to their client seriously. NOHS (2015) standards 1-9 promote respect, confidentiality, negotiation and recognition of the client’s right to self-determination and informed consent. Standard 2, which refers to informed consent, is by far the most important code in the section as it sets the parameters of the client-helper relationship. This NOHS (2015) regulation ensures the client is fully aware of any services that may be rendered, his/her rights to accept or deny the services and to withdraw from services at any time. Standard 2 satisfies a basic human need of being fair, honest and ethical, which will help develop a better counseling relationship. On the other hand, because I believe all life is important and has purpose, standard 7, which states the professional should not impose …show more content…

NOHS (2015) standards 23-25 contends all professionals have a responsibility to establish conditions which are conducive to quality of services to clients, conflict resolution and honoring commitments made to the employer. Without standard 24 the most important, which encourages a productive environment for helping, the client may not feel comfortable and may resist services. On the other hand, standard 23 would be difficult for me to honor commitments to my employer if I felt my employer was interfering with the progress of my client or my professional