Charles Csuri: Fragmentation Animation

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2.1.1 Hummingbird (1967) CGI began with Fragmentation Animation. Charles Csuri started making animation by using drawings with computer. The film is as known as Hummingbird in 1967. The film shows the sequence of movements, which consisted of over 30,000 images and about 25 motion sequences, was generated by the computer and programmed to bring the bird to live. 2.1.2 Kitty (1968) N.Konstantinov lead a group of Russian scientists to create a model of a moving cat. A computer then printed hundreds of frames to be later converted to film. The model use in the program is the computer "BESM-4. 2.1.3 Evans & Sutherland (1968) Ivan Sutherland and David Evans founded the company Evans & Sutherland to produce new hardware for the systems, they are the Geometry Engine, the Head-mounted display, the Frame buffer, and the Flight simulators. Jim Clark was the employee of Evans& Sutherland, the founder of Silicon Graphics in 1981, Ed Catmull, co-founder of Pixar in 1979, and also Adobe Systems of John Warnock of in 1982. 2.2 Towards 3D CGI (mid-1970s to 1980s) 2.2.1 Futureworld (1976) Richard T. Heffron directed is the first use 3D wireframe film in 1976. There were the …show more content…

It helps computerizing between the ink, the paint and post-production processes of traditional animated films, which allow efficient and significant post-production by producing the hand-painting cels obsolete. Drawings and background paintings from the animators' are first scanned into the computer, and then inked and painted by digital artists. After that, they are combined, and finally used software for camera movements, multiplane effects, and other techniques—including the combination with 3D image material. The Little Mermaid (1989) is the system's first feature film use and the first full-scale use was for The Rescuers Down Under

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