Humorous Techniques In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

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Humorous Techniques in Twains Writing Mark Twain often used specific techniques to show his humor and bring to life the often absurd situations his stories took place in. He does this to bring out the humor and connect with the audience. Furthermore, these principles serve as a buildup to a reward and leave the audience feeling they gained something from the experience. For example, in his story titled The Notorious Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County, he uses long, drawn-out situations that are meant to be funny to indicate humor. Also, in this story, he creates absurd situations and dances around their humorous aspects, acting as if they are normal. Lastly, in his story, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, he utilizes satire and irony to display humor. Twain expertly turns the mundane into comical stories that have tickled people's brains for years. Twain’s ability to draw out his stories and create detours is what makes his writing so impactful and humorous. He does this to add …show more content…

Twain is highly regarded as a master of these devices and expertly uses them to display humor. For example, in his story "The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn," he uses these devices many times, such as in this passage: "Jim said bees wouldn’t sting idiots; but I didn’t believe that, because I had tried them lots of times myself, and they wouldn’t sting me." This passage demonstrates intense irony in the way that Huck is actually fairly intelligent and understands society, but it is ironic that he believed what Jim said. The authors use of irony and satire in this passage adds humor and depth to this book and develops how the characters react to different environments. This also shows his humor in the way he can have his characters go through ironic situations, and from that, the readers can interpret that. Twain often used satire and irony to get this reaction from his readers, and it shows through heavily in this