Joe’s War shows use of humorous verbs in varying context, for example, “The princess, wearing a slave’s collar shackled to the High King’s chair. That is what I think “lost”, which makes the reader construe what the character is saying (Abercrombie, 2015, p. 7). Usually, people know princesses to have a royal life where they have everything they want by virtue of ascription, but a reader may find it improbable to picture a princess wearing shackles and tied to a king’s chair, because this usually never happens. Hence, it is creative in a way, and helps propagate what is generally know to be true.
Stephen’s Green Mile, the prison warden says, “I love paperwork” the verb ‘love’ paperwork may not sit properly with some people who may not like to like to do anything concerning paperwork, normally associated with work (King, 2000, p. 18). Hence, the context in which it is said may seem odd and at the same
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5. Conclusion
In summary, all four novels incorporate verbum dicendi and if you read further, you will notice r-relation in some of the sentences where the relation between the verb and the meaning of the sentence structures either make sense or not. One could argue that all four novels have verbum dicendi because they contain dialogue given that verbum dicendi introduces spoken communication or quotation marks. This was particularly evident in Steven’s Malazan and Joe’s War both of which begin their chapters with spoken words in quotation marks ‘Prod and pull”, “We have lost” respectively. In both cases, the reader has an idea of what direction the story will take because these phrases begin the story and carry the weight of the story. Some of the words or phrases that appear as verbum dicendi appear as descriptive verbs for instance to denote the