Hurricane Vs Tornado Research Paper

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To start off tornadoes are very deadly things that usually hit the central United States. There is less time to prepare for a tornado. There is way more tornadoes than hurricanes that hit the U.S. every year. There is also five hundred million dollars in repairs. They aren't near as deadly as a hurricane but they collect all the hot wind and the cold wind and it starts to spin. They are crazy things stated in source 4, they will hit one house and die out or they will hit a house and they will leave the next house untouched. You would have a better chance surviving because it is focused on one spot unlike a hurricane.

Now I am going to talk about hurricanes are very deadly even more deadly than a tornado. It is …show more content…

Both of them are deadly killers. "The winds go counterclockwise," said by Spencer Adkins Channel 13 NEWS. They both have very strong winds that can harm someone without shelter. Texas is weird because it gets the hurricane and tornado.

In addition I'm going to contrast. The hurricane's winds are stronger and can get up to a lot higher. They are located in two different parts of the country. The Hurricane has more money in damage. The hurricane last long usually because the average for the tornado is like ten minutes, said by Spencer Adkins Chanel 13 NEWS. One is like a rainstorm and one is wind dirt and things it has built up inside of it. The hurricane will effect many places at once and the tornado focuses on just one area. One attacks in a way that know one knows [tornado]. One attacks everything and will also flood other states [hurricane].

Now you should know that the hurricane and tornado are very deadly things. They are both capable of destroying big built structures. The tornado is more in the central part of the United States, and hurricanes are in the east. They both bring in a bunch of money in repairs. If a Tornado or hurricane hit you would you be