Huthmacher And Mowery: The Progressive Era

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In the United States there were countless reform movements that took place to help shape our very own United States. One of the most influential times of reform would have been considered the Progressive Era. Progressivism is put forth by many different historians, considered to be a movement created by various groups of people, in effort to boost their everyday lives by being more efficient and discard corruption. Historians like George Mowery “Progressivism:Middle Class Disillusionment” and Robert H. Wiebe “Progressivism Arrives” introduce us to these reformers as wealthier and higher class citizens in America. While Joseph Huthmacher brings up that the urban lower class are the people who stood up and provided the force for the reform. These historians all concur that the Progressives were seeking a reformed society where misconduction doesn’t exist. Even though all 3 historians had very similar viewpoints, Huthmacher has a better rendition of Progressivism in his “Urban Liberalism and the Age of Reform” is the most compelling because …show more content…

Wiebe also agrees that both men and women were involved, both being significant social workers and “expansionist in business, agriculture, labor and the professions” (80). Wiebe argues that some Progressives are more rewarding and reliable with relations to their government, such as bankers and merchants. Women like Jane Addams and Florence Kelly are two very important reformers. There are many people Wiebe believes are important who contributed to the reform. Some of them consists of Frank Goodnow, Loe Rowe and Emund Jones. Other people Wiebe found significant were “Joseph W. Folk who attacked his bosses and bribers, as well as Francis J. Henry who prosecuted a bunch of corrupt politicians and businessmen working together (85). Wiebe says the Progressives were people passionate about having a good business