Hybrid Threats Examples

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According to the Training Circular 7-100, a hybrid threat is the diverse and dynamic combination of regular forces, irregular forces, and/or criminal elements all unified to achieve mutually benefitting effects. (Hybrid Threat 2010) Stated simply, hybrid threats are different groups of people coming together with their ultimate goal being to disrupt or discredit US forces and agendas. Because we have been fighting the same fight for so long, we tend to see this as a new threat when in fact it is not. We can look all throughout history to see examples of this. Just like us, these hybrid threats are trying to shape the operational environment in order to better their agenda. They can do this in just about any number of way. Infiltrating the government or political arenas, in my opinion, would probably be the easiest way for them to gain and hold on to almost all the different variables in the operational environment. If they were able to persuade government officials to join their cause that may give them access to the military, the infrastructure, and the information that particular government has access to or controls. Because the government is normally the voice of the people and can sway public opinion one way or another, the …show more content…

I esspecially liked how you tied Russian forces and groups into the natural adaptaion process and how you used the insurgancy in Iraq to explain the directed adaptaion process. You have clearly put a lot of thought combined with personal expireance into your post. Showing the lineage of how the insurgants started with one set of TTP's and adapted to where they are now was a perfect example of demonstraing the directed process. It show how we combated thier use of IED's with up-armored vehicles and how they ultimately refined their skills using outside forces. This really showed not only a good hybrid threat, but how easily our enemies can adapt to our growing