Hydraulic Fracking Research Paper

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This research project is based on studying the public’s response to Climate Central Risk Finder tool for client Dan Rizza. Climate central is an independent nonprofit that organizes and collects information on sea level rise and communicates it to the coastal communities. The risk finder tool is a tool that helps narrow all the complex information down to a more graspable form so the public can understand. This study will be testing how accessible this form of communication is to the public. Usability testing will be conducted by primary investigators Dr. Daniel Richards and Mrs. Megan McKittrick and also with the undergraduate students 231C as investigators to determine if this tool is usable. The specific topic of this research …show more content…

Some other environmentalist think we should just leave the Earth at its natural state. There’s a lot of conflict coming with these different proposes. There’s a controversy over the use of hydraulic fracking. Hydraulic fracking is where millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals are pumped underground to break apart the rock and release the gas. Some sources disagree with this project and think we should use geo engineering, which is the artificial modification is earth’s climate systems through two primary ideologies, solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal. The dilemma that the author proposes with natural resource option is that if the environment cannot speak then who has the right to speak on its behalf? Who should define the interest of society in relation to the natural world? Is it appropriate to drill for oil along fragile coastlines? Who should bear the cost of cleaning up abandoned toxic waste sites taxpayers of the business responsible for the contamination? Where do we define our limits in terms of the contamination and growth? These questions are unavoidable in the role of communications in the controversies. The citizens should try and figure out solutions in order to move forward with the environment. The environment is different everywhere you go so one thing might work here in the United States but it may not work in Asia, and vice versa. Saving the whole globe from this crucial climate change is not going to be a simple task and even sadly may never