I Am A Man More Sinned Against Than Sinning Analysis

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In the interesting quote, "I am a man more sinned against than sinning" (Hamlet, act 3:2.58-59), Lear states the unjust treatment he received from his daughters, while acknowledging that he has not been a saint himself. Through this quote shows his belief that although he has mistreated people and not acted right, his behaviour has yet not been worse than how others have treated him. Lear’s character is highly flawed and has undoubtedly acted unjust while having a shallow view on relationships and how they should be. Lear can be viewed as a stubborn old man whose mind cannot be changed easily. It is a striking event how he treats his alleged favourite daughter and how easily he believes the lies he is being fed. Despite this, his quote holds a certain truth to it. As Lear has sinned against Cordelia, his other two daughters have sinned against him. He is right in his words for the reason that, although he was unjust and treated Cordelia disrespectfully, he did it because he felt betrayed. His view on showing love is expressing it through words, so when Cordelia fails in her declaration of love, Lear sees this fail as a lack of love and ungratefulness, especially when he decides to give the entire kingdom to his daughters. The fact that Lear has good intentions to begin with, prompts the reader to forgive him easier. Regan and Goneril on the …show more content…

These metaphors refer to the blindness to the truth. Neither Lear nor Gloucester see the truth in the beginning of the play, but rather regard the truth as lie and vice versa. The constant reference to blindness in the play shows the importance of this flaw of the two characters. The fact that they are blind to the true characters of their children leads them to their tragic

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