I Am Malala Essay

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In I am Malala, the author demonstrates many different kinds of courage even when the protagonist was faced with life threatening situations. The rights of women that Malala defended against regarded to the lack of education they were receiving. The amount of courage Malala had at the time sounded impossible. Her courage is what got her shot, however that was a chance she was willing to take; and because of her courage, she has made an incredible impact on women’s rights. At times, it seemed as if Malala was alone in the fight for equality in education, but that did not stop Malala’s determination. Her father disagreed with the Taliban’s beliefs too, and was a big help in Malala’s journey. In 2008, Malala had her first speech aired on television …show more content…

Malala had her doubts in the past for defending women’s rights. She grew up in an atmosphere where men attempted to convince her that girls did not deserve a right to education, but that did not phase Malala or damage her bravery. Malala knew that the circumstances that she was living in did not have to be permanent, so, she made the bold decision to try to change said circumstances. Being shot by the Taliban did not make her want to hurt them, it made her want to work harder for what is right. The Taliban sought to kill her because they felt threatened by her courage and abilities. Malala knew that her father or she were targets but it never stopped her from reaching her goal and being courageous. As Malala was protecting the rights of women, she still had her faith in God while the Taliban tried to convince the world that God supported inequality. “We felt like the Taliban saw us as little dolls to control, telling us what to do and how to dress. I thought if God wanted us to be like that He wouldn’t have made us all different.” [124] She was selfless and courageous to where she risked her own life in hopes to get girls to go to school and be educated. While Malala was risking her life and being selfless, she was on television and therefore becoming more of a target for the