I Knew You Were Trouble Analysis

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The Greek word “psuche” means soul and the soul is identified as the mind. The human mind acts and works in mysterious ways. All humans act, think and feel, however, we react to circumstances and situations different. In Taylor Swift’s song, this is exactly what she is attempting to do, get other’s to see her crazy emotions, hopefully trying to get others to identify and compare what she is really feeling after being heartbroken. This could be a soul-seeking process, just as one passes, we need to heal properly and in order for one to deal with a break-up, they too need to heal properly. Digging through our emotions through, anger, fear and resentment are ways people usually handle such situations, displaying by behavior varies from person to person. “I Knew You Were Trouble”, a song by music artist Taylor Switft can be analyzed as an astronomical amount of chaotic feelings one has after a break up. Taylor makes one general comment regarding this relationship by blaming herself and saying “shame on me”. This wording …show more content…

The term HALT stands for hungry, angry, lonely and tired. When any human who is going through a tough period in life and doesn’t nurture themselves as they should, these four words can play a huge impact in decision making. When an impactful event happens, people tend to lose themselves and not take care of their natural well being. Not eating meals at the right time, not sleeping properly, lashing out in ways they haven’t before and when new emotions are dealt with, these areas can make matters much worst. No one is perfect and if the world did take care of themselves the way they should, I believe, the world would be a pretty boring place. Our characteristics are from within us, they define who we are as people. If we don’t like who we are, then we are the only ones who have the ability to change how we react, the thinking aspect is uncontrollable, but the acting is